
  • Diana Amber Montes Universidad de Jaén
  • Manuel Morales-Valero Universidad de Málaga



Motivación docente, Formación de docentes, Expectativas profesionales


The purpose of this work is to investigate, within the framework of the Spanish education system, the reasons that drive students to train to be teachers. We use a mixed methodological approach where we incorporate techniques of content and discourse analysis in a sample of 346 first year students of the degree in primary education in the University of Jaén (Spain). As main results we highlight the predominance of intrinsic motivation, and the emergence of gender and the order of choice of the degree as powerful explanatory variables of both the type of motivation put into play, and the degree of confidence placed in the possibilities of work placement and the expectation of working as a teacher. There is an average confidence in the degree's possibilities for work placement, but there are high job prospects that may have positive effects for their work placement. We finish by making practical contributions to the management of the staffing policy.

Author Biographies

Diana Amber Montes, Universidad de Jaén

Doctora en Fundamentos del Currículum por la Universidad de Granada (Granada/España). Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Jaén (Jaén/España). E-mail: Orcid:

Manuel Morales-Valero, Universidad de Málaga

Doctor por la Universidad de Granada (Granada/España). Profesor de la Universidad de Málaga (Málaga/España). E-mail: Orcid:


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