Remote education. Covid-19. Professors. University education.Abstract
At the end of 2019, the world was surprised by the Covid-19 pandemic, which expanded rapidly across the planet, prompting countless countries to adopt social isolation as a measure to try to contain the spread. In the educational area, this isolation has led to the interruption of face-to-face classes for millions of students, and the adoption of remote education as an emergency measure, to reduce the impacts on learning. Within this context, the present article, using a qualitative and quantitative method, sought to present an analysis of the challenges faced by professors at Higher Education Institutions - IES, based on data obtained in a research carried out with 23 teachers and higher education teachers from 3 private network institutions in the state of São Paulo. The data emerging from the responses of teachers and the respective analysis of results showed dilemmas and limitations of those surveyed in conducting their teaching work, after adopting the remote education modality. In relation to teachers, the following stood out: substantial increase in the non-contractual workload of teachers; lack of experience with remote education, the majority (65%) reported having no previous experience; almost all of the respondents say that the expenses with the acquisition of their equipment, as well as amounts spent on internet connectivity are covered by themselves. With regard to students: difficulties in accessing internet communication technologies in the monitoring of classes; and little student participation or interaction in classes.
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