


Collaborative Consumption, Airbnb, Value co-creation


With the development of new technologies and communication networks, as well as the limitations of the traditional economic model in the face of consumer expectations, collaborative consumption has proven to be an alternative to satisfy consumption needs. This paper aims to analyze which aspects of value co-creation most influence consumers of a collaborative hosting business. The research was developed with the application of a questionnaire with 306 users of the platform, being a descriptive study and using quantitative analysis methods to obtain the results. The results showed that Transparency and Dialogue are the main factors for the co-creation of value within the segment, with women, younger and with higher incomes, tend to be more demanding in terms of co-creation tools. This study is justified as the behavioral changes of consumers emerge regarding the hosting service, where the possibility of network interaction between users and the company has generated processes of co-creation of value.

Author Biographies

Hugo Isidio Gomes da Silva, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa

Graduado em Administração pelo Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (João Pessoa/Brasil). E-mail:

Lívia Nogueira Pellizzoni, Cento Universitário de João Pessoa

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade Potiguar (Natal/Brasil). Professora do Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (João Pessoa/Brasil). E-mail:

Mercia Cristiley Barreto Viana, Centro Universitário Mauricio de Nassau

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade Potiguar (Natal/Brasil). Professora efetiva do Centro Universitário Mauricio de Nassau (Mossoró/Brasil). E-mail:

Lais Karla da Silva Barreto, Universidade Potiguar

Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal/Brasil). Professora na Universidade Potiguar (Natal/Brasil). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Isidio Gomes da Silva, H., Nogueira Pellizzoni, L., Barreto Viana, M. C., & da Silva Barreto, L. K. (2021). COCRIAÇÃO E COLABORAÇÃO: COMO FUNCIONA ESSA RELAÇÃO NO SEGMENTO DE HOSPEDAGEM. Revista Gestão E Desenvolvimento, 18(3), 80–101.