Nomofobia, Literacia Digital, TecnologiaAbstract
The expansion of the use of technology impacts different sectors of society, such as education. However, this expansion can negatively impact nomophobia, a type of phobia associated with technology. Considering the increased use of technology in education, especially during the pandemic, this research aimed to i) analyze the prevalence of nomophobia in college students who were in remote education because of the pandemic; ii) identify the prevalence of smartphones, internet, and social network use in the sample investigated; iii) test the relationship between nomophobia and intensity of smartphone, internet, and social network use. The research included 72 college students who answered the Psychometric Scale to Identify Levels of Infoxication and Nomophobia, answered about the intensity of technology use and informed sociodemographic data. It was found that 37.50% of the sample could be classified as nomophobic. Additionally, high uses of technology were identified for different purposes, such as education, social media, messaging, and various services. Finally, it was found that the higher the intensity of technology use, the higher the rates of nomophobia (except when technology is used for educational purposes). We conclude that a critical digital literacy that favors a more conscious use of technology can be a protective factor against nomophobia in education.
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