Competências digitais, Mídia, Tecnologias digitais, Tecnologia educacional, Ensino básicoAbstract
Digital literacy is increasingly being recognized as an important set of competencies that contribute to the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are fundamental in navigating the digital sea. In addition to what is already known in this area, two other skills are analyzed in the article: curation and bricolage. The article objective is to discuss each of these conceptions and then, verify how each one of them contributes to digital literacy. The methodology used was bibliographical, based on texts from the specialized literature on each of these themes and articles that seek to show how they can be applied. The results reveal that both curation and bricolage can be performed with digital content and the procedures to be followed have relevant contributions to the construction of knowledge and the development of digital literacy. These conclusions are essential for the exploration of curation and bricolage in the implementation of activities using digital technologies and media in education, especially in K-12 education.
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