
  • Flávio Sérgio Linhares Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
  • João Luís Antunes Campos Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Luiz Gonzaga de Castro Junior Universidade Federal de Lavras




Market, Barter Operations, Integrative literature review, Risk


Barter” consists of an operation in which the producer has the possibility to exchange his production for inputs that will be used during the production process. Therefore, this study sought to propose a structure of thematic axes on the theme that may guide an agenda of future research. To achieve this goal, an integrative literature review was carried out on studies that use of “Barter” operations in the market as a strategic process. The results were consistent, and it was possible to establish five thematic axes that make up the conceptual and empirical matrix on the studies that address the topic: (i) motivations for using “Barter”; (ii) determining factors of the operation; (iii) risks inherent to the operation; (iv) advantages of using this mechanism; and (v) challenges and difficulties of the operation. Thus, a thematic heterogeneity of the studies was identified and it is recommended that future research be directed towards a better understanding of these thematic components, especially on the challenges and difficulties faced by practitioners. One of the characteristics identified in the literature is that “Barter” operations are carried out when there is a lack of liquidity in the market, thus becoming a financing alternative. Thus, the results found can stimulate practices of this operation, especially in periods of crisis. It has shown that this type of operation has evolved in recent years, but it still lacks studies on its benefits and applicability both for the productive sector and for the resellers of inputs.

Author Biographies

Flávio Sérgio Linhares, Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis

Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (Lavras/Brasil). Servidor Docente na Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis (Rondonópolis/Brasil). E-mail: flavio.linhares@ufr.edu.br. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2405-0956

João Luís Antunes Campos, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Mestrando em Ciências Veterinárias pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (Lavras/Brasil). Discente do programa de mestrado em Ciências Veterinárias na Universidade Federal de Lavras (Lavras/Brasil). E-mail: joao.campos3@estudante.ufla.br. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8863-7361

Luiz Gonzaga de Castro Junior, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Doutor em Economia Aplicada pela Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo/Brasil). Professor Titular na Universidade Federal de Lavras (Lavras/Brasil). E-mail: lgcastro@ufla.br. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1215-0183


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How to Cite

Linhares, F. S., Campos, J. L. A., & Junior, L. G. de C. (2022). “BARTER” MECANISMO ESTRATÉGICO NO AGRONEGÓCIO: UMA APROPRIAÇÃO DO TEMA EM EIXOS TEMÁTICOS PARA DIRECIONAMENTO DE NOVAS PESQUISAS. Revista Gestão E Desenvolvimento, 19(2), 49–75. https://doi.org/10.25112/rgd.v19i2.3010