Sala de aula invertida, Aprendizagem on-line, Modelo Comunidade de InquiriçãoAbstract
The Flipped Flassroom (FC) is a hybrid educational model that integrates technologies to promote more personalised teaching and competency-based learning. Given its versatility, it has been used as a vehicle for the digitisation of education. This study aims to comparatively analyse students' perceptions after the implementation of the FC model in face-to-face and fully online contexts. The design of the implemented proposals was supported by the theoretical model Community of Inquiry. Through two cycles of action-research, in a Portuguese secondary school class, data were collected from the educational platform used and the students' perceptions obtained by questionnaire and interview. The results revealed the stability of the indicators evaluated with the change of context indicating the model's flexibility in adapting to the online context. However, small changes in the design of the pre-class component significantly affected students' perceptions and reinforced the importance of designs that cater for students' learning styles, align resources provided with tasks requested, and hold students accountable for their learning. In the online context there was a greater valuation of the teaching presence translated by the students' preference for the activities carried out by the teacher. However, the optimisation of teacher presence combined with good practice in the design of working groups indicates more productive interactions between students and the development of student presence.
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