Aulas não Presenciais, Transtorno do Espectro Autista, Educação InfantilAbstract
Education is a right for everyone and this educational right is also guaranteed and extended to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). And from the pandemic of the new coronavirus, which began in 2020 and which still remains, the classes that until then were totally in-person, started to have a new configuration. Every school community needed to reinvent itself in a short period of time. And in relation to the student with ASD, who depends a lot on predictability in their routine, the following issue arose: how was the autistic student in Early Childhood Education from regular public schools in Lucas do Rio Verde MT included in remote classes in 2020? Thus, it was intended, in general, to investigate how schools and early childhood education teachers structured their work with a view to providing adequate conditions for the inclusion of this student in non-presential classes. The research subjects were 9 pedagogue teachers who answered a questionnaire previously prepared and sent via a form on google, during the month of May 2021. The data show that the teachers, each in their own way and with the help of the school management, families, worked and dedicated themselves with honor and managed to include these children in their non-presential classes, with different participations and achievements, but all included in the teaching-learning process.
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