
  • Luis Fernando Lazzarin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Media Pedagogy. Citizenship. Consumption.


This paper problematizes the strategies found in the institutional video publicized by RBS TV entitled “Winter is a great time”, which presents a version of contemporary cultural relationships mediated by consumption. It has searched for possibilities of creating alternative ways of approaching pedagogical education, which, from my point of view, is not only related to what has been instituted in and by the school, but also to what has been spread in other pedagogical settings. The aim is to question the ways that different sectors (especially the media and advertising) have produced citizens suitable for the market and consumption. In this sense, the analysis has led to an understanding of the way the narrative presented in the video, constructed through the articulation of images and song, addresses the viewer with its own didacticism, a model of desirable behavior for individuals that are supposed to know and legitimatize their place, both as active participants in the market and citizens that see themselves as morally justified in their role in society.

Author Biography

Luis Fernando Lazzarin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutor pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre/Brasil). Professor associado da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Santa Maria/Brasil). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Lazzarin, L. F. (2021). TO WHOM IS WINTER A GREAT TIME? : ON A DIDACTICS OF THE CONSUMER CITIZEN. Revista Conhecimento Online, 3, 69–81.