education, Teacher training, Educational technologies, distance learningAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic brought up issues that need to be addressed in teacher training. In addition to pedagogical knowledge and specific content, it is essential that graduates are able to articulate, in an intentional and meaningful way, digital technologies. In this context, the present work aims to evaluate the perception of teachers about the use of technologies and digital teaching materials. Data collection took place as follows: teachers answered an initial questionnaire, participated in a workshop and then answered another questionnaire. The data collected in the two instruments were discussed and compared using the theoretical framework TPACK. Based on the discussions held, it was found that teachers do not experience difficulties with specific content, which demonstrates that pedagogical and technological aspects need to be privileged in their training. In addition, after conducting the workshop, teachers showed far less concern with technological issues, which makes it possible to deduce that they showed insecurity with the use of technologies, and not necessarily a lack of skills with them.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Edison Trombeta de Oliveira, Monica Cristina Garbin, Nadia Rubio Pirillo

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