
  • Marcos Linhares Goes Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Andréa Freire de Lucena Universidade Federal de Goiás



governance, attraction policy, international students


The objective of the article is to compare the governance arrangements and strategies adopted by France, Portugal and Brazil and verify which ones attract more international students. Primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed through content analysis of documents and the social network, which make up the governance structure of each country in the sample. The results revealed that France has a strategy to increase its participation in attracting international students. Portugal seeks to encourage institutions to attract more international students, to collaborate in their funding and to fill idle vacancies, caused by the aging of the population. Brazil does not have a strategy for attracting international students. The study contributes, through the comparison of the governance of the selected cases, to the understanding of the strategy, the level of cohesion between the actors and the relationship between the strategy and the government's capacity to attract international students.

Author Biographies

Marcos Linhares Goes, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Doutorando em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa/Portugal). Servidor na Universidade Federal de Goiás (Goiânia/Brasil). E-mail: Orcid:

Andréa Freire de Lucena, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Doutoranda em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa/Portugal). Servidor na Universidade Federal de Goiás (Goiânia/Brasil). E-mail: Orcid:


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How to Cite

Goes, M. L. ., & Freire de Lucena, A. . (2022). GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS AND ATTRACTION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN BRAZIL, FRANCE AND PORTUGAL. Revista Gestão E Desenvolvimento, 19(2), 133–159.