
  • Zafer Adiguzel Istanbul Medipol University
  • Kudret Çeltekligil Beykent University
  • Fatma Sönmez Çakir Bartin University




Imitation, Competitiveness, Innovation, Capability, Performance


The aim of the research is to examine the innovation performance of the electric/electronic firms within the technopark in their sector and the internal-to-firm transaction cost and imitation capability that affect the competitiveness of the firm and the relationships between the variables. The products that firms offer to the market are affected by each other. In this case, the imitation capabilities of firms come to the fore. However, in order to be successful in innovation and competitive environment, it is necessary to manage the internal-to-firm transaction cost well. Within the scope of the study, a survey has been made to the engineers working in the electrical/electronic firms that produce and innovate within the body of technopark in Istanbul. A face-to-face survey study could be conducted, as production was not interrupted in the firms working in Technopark even during the pandemic process and remote working conditions were not possible for the production sector. Randomly selected firms were visited and 501 employees were interviewed. Analyzes were made using the SmartPLS 3.4 Program. A 5-point Likert scale was used in the survey, factor analysis was used to determine the suitability of the scale expressions, reliability/validity analyzes were used to determine the consistency of the scale, and correlation analysis was used to determine the degree of relationship between the variables. Path analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The same program was used to determine the mediation effect. As a result of the analyzes, it can be explained that the cost of intra-firm transaction and imitation capability have positive effects on innovation performance and competitiveness of the firms.

Author Biographies

Zafer Adiguzel, Istanbul Medipol University

Doutor em Educação pela Gebze Technical University (Gebze/Turquia). Assistente profissional de Comércio Internacional e Finanças na Istanbul Medipol University (Istambul/Turquia). E-mail: zadiguzel@medipol.edu.tr

Kudret Çeltekligil, Beykent University

Doutora em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade de Beykent (Istambul/Turquia). E-mail: kceltekligil@gmail.com

Fatma Sönmez Çakir, Bartin University

Doutorado em Administração de Empresas Pela Gebze Technical University (Gebze/Turquia). Professor Associado na Universidade Bartin (Bartin/Turquia). E-mail: fsonmez@bartin.edu.tr


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