This study, which is framed within the qualitative paradigm, descriptive and interpretive in nature, was conducted within the scope of the Pedagogical Practice developed in a 1st grade class of the 1st CEB, focusing on the area of Citizenship. This study aimed to understand which gender stereotypes were evidenced by students of a 1st grade class and if these stereotypes could be influenced by activities of deconstruction of gender roles using characters and heroes of children's stories and movies. Thus, using a set of activities - reading and discussion of the story "Jaime é uma sereia", viewing and discussion of excerpts of the movies "How to train your dragon" and "Brave" with attribution of characteristics to female and male gender and reading and discussion of the story "As raparigas também podem...", we tried to deconstruct some of the stereotypes that we found in our first interview, being these stereotypes gender roles and gender traits. The results obtained allow us to conclude that there are indeed gender stereotypes on the part of the children, with boys being the ones who show the most stereotypes. In turn, although the implemented activities had some impact, they did not change significantly the stereotypes initially presented.
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