Deficiência física, Corpo-água, Liberdade de movimento, Atividade Motora AdaptadaAbstract
The present study consists of understanding the meanings that are built in the relationship between the physically disabled body and water. Attributed to the properties of the environment, all movements obtained in the liquid environment are perceived by the subjects differently from the terrestrial environment, enabling new senses and meanings experienced by these bodies. The research had the participation of seven (7) athlete swimmers, six (6) physically disabled and one (1) visually impaired, of both sexes, from a club in Porto Alegre, all of them linked to the same swimming team. As a data production strategy, the semi-structured interview was chosen, a protective aim and a more flexible dialogue between the researcher and the interviewee. After transcribing the interviews, the statements were analysed based on the assumptions of the “thematic analysis”, where the statements were described and interpreted. Through the realization of this work, a network of themes was noticed that transit over the manifestations of being subject to taking off in the water. From this condition, the subjects report different sensations and emotions related to their greater freedom of movement due to the characteristics of the environment. Therefore, water emerges as an important vector in the construction of new possibilities of experiencing, of awareness about their corporeality, the body is free to move away witout encountering obstacles or any material. Furthermore, the relationships based on this team trigger a movement between bodies, which arises notions of collectivity and belonging, and contribute to the positivization of their experiences with the environment and to the construction of their identities. This scenario creates important problematizations for the construction and deconstruction of corporeal grammars that are socially produced.References
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